1.上海市中考英语阅读理解训练题及参考答案:Our eating habit























上海市中考英语阅读理解训练题及参考答案:Our eating habit


我在英语学习方面是十分的。在下过硬工夫的过程中,我从未感到英语学习的单调和苦闷,也未感到英语学习有多么艰难。我读过一些英语名家谈体会的书,其中有中文译本,也有英文原文字。这些书给了我很多启发,使我能够在结合自身学习英语的方法和经验的基础上,总结出符合常识的学习方法,并上升到符合英语学习规律的原则。如果你能按照这些原则一步一个脚印地去做,认认真真地去学习和体味,那么你就定能学好英语。 我知道的是能动英语远大路!你是学生啊还是家长的去看看为好的啊


我们常说的“英语基本功”包括听、说、读、写这四个相关的方面,学习时要尽量平衡发展,如果其中一项过差,会从总体上影响外语水平的提高。如今仅电视一个渠道就有许多“听”的节目,可“读”的书更多。至于“说”和“写”完全可以自己练习。没有人对话,可以用英语思维的办法跟自己说。“写”这可以通过记日记来提高,一天记一件事,可以写“听”到或“读”到过的,这样就复习了从“听”和“读”中获取的语言知识。不过,说到英语,能动英语远大路 是个不错的选择!这挺值得你了解下!

"学而不思则罔",思考是学习的灵魂。在学习中,知识固然重要,但更重要的是驾御知识的头脑。如果一个人不会思考,他只能做知识的奴隶,知识再多也无用,而且也不可能真正学到好知识。知识的学习重在理解,而理解只能通过思考才能实现,思考的源泉是问题,在学习中应注意不要轻易放过任何问题,有了问题不要急于问人,应力求独力思考,自己动手动脑去寻找问题的正确答案,这样做才有利于思考能力的提高。 能动英语远大路,就有培养这种能力,让我们自己动脑,这是基本的哦!









初中英语教材是按照任务型教学的原则设计语言实践活动。内容联络社会生活,贴近学生生活实际,富有时代气息,体现时代精神,符合素质教育的要求。语言素材典型,语言情景真实,语言表达规范,语言现象再现率高,符合学习语言的认知规律。应该说是原汁原味的英语。 对于即将进入初三年级的学生来说,他们不仅要完成《新授课的学习任务,而且还要复习初中阶段所有内容,面对各类大小不一的考试,最终参加明年六月份的中考。为了帮助学生既能学好初三内容又能提高中考成绩,笔者就新授课的学习要求以及如何学好初三内容提出自己的看法以教会学生整理知识,总结规律,运用技巧,最终提高成绩。 初三英语教材要求:语音:能用正确的语音语调读出9A、9B中出现的单词、片语、固定搭配和习惯用语。能模仿录音,用正确的语音语调朗读各单元的对话和课文。能正确而流利地朗读与课文难度相当的材料。能复述课文。 词汇:能听懂、读准、拼写、理解、运用“四会”单词和重点短语,并能理解其他单词、片语、固定搭配和习惯用语。 语法:能掌握并记忆一定量的重点句型。掌握不定代词的用法。能辨认五种简单句并能用这五种句式造句。能正确使用副词的比较级和最高阶。了解过去完成时的构成及用法。能在真实语境中正确使用提建议的方式。能正确区分和运用易混淆的动词。了解宾语从句的注意事项。掌握关系代词在定语从句中的具体用法。能正确运用间接引语转述他人的话。了解主要情态动词的用法。 话题:熟悉与本单元相关的话题如“星座与人的性格”、“色彩与情绪的关系”、“青少年问题及烦恼”、“我所喜欢的电视节目”、“我所喜欢的明星”、“描述一个故事”、“未来的火星生活”、“我理想中的机器人”、“亚洲名城简介”、“宇航员的太空生活”等。能利用所学的词汇模仿文中对话进行交谈。 写作:学会对“主打”文章进行整理。能根据整理的要点,从仿写入手,写出此类话题的作文。条理清楚,写作规范,结构正确。 初三英语对学生的要求:1、初三学生要利用好每天早晨和睡前这两个有效时间段熟读单词、片语、对话和课文。狠抓词汇、短语、句型和范文的记忆。力争在有效的时间内先将机械的记忆储存起来。 2、一定要做到勤背。勤背不单是指背单词,背句型,而是指背一些有特色的课文、段落及常用语境表达以提高自己的综合语言能力。 3、理清各知识点的关系,把握各知识考点,查漏补缺。教完一个知识点要及时归纳、总结、提炼重点、难点和考点以形成知识网路,并学会对知识进行演绎和拓展。 4、根据每个单元出现的重点话题写不同题材的英语作文。写好后要与范文进行仔细比较,或请老师面批,找出不足,提高书面表达能力。 5、认真完成老师每天布置的家庭作业,切不可应付。 6、认真分析月考、期中、期末等重大考试中的错误。找出原因,总结规律,加以改正,避免类似错误的再现。 7、初三学生在学习新知识的同时,还要学会整理与此相关的知识点。学生要重视语言基本功的训练,灵活运用所学到的知识去解决实际问题,注意学习方法和学习策略的培养,好好把握教材,及时查漏补缺,同时在课外进行大量的阅读,这样就有可以在中考中考出水平。













1. 阅读理解题目的题型是客观的,而阅读表达的题型则是主观的,这不仅需要考生将文章理解,还需要将自己对文章的理解通过自己的语言表达出来,而且要受到字数的限制。这就是说阅读理解只是要求学生将文章及题目中的资讯理解了,就能作对题目,而阅读表达不仅要求学生理解文章和题目而且要把文章中的资讯用自己的语言表达出来,是一种资讯的输出。

2. 阅读理解的文章难度较大,片幅较长,生词较多;阅读表达的文章较为简单,生词少。

3. 在于阅读理解中的题型是选择题,问题型别及所考查的方式差别很大,所供选择的答案只有一项是正确的;但在阅读表达中,题型和题目的设定是比较固定的,包括:题目、句子替换、完成句子、个人观点描述(开放式问题)及翻译五种题型,答案往往是不唯一的。


阅读理解题的答题方法和技巧研究这里推荐几种常用的答题的方法,供大家参考。1、先看文章后做题。这是我们在做题的时候最一般的方法,也有人称之为顺读法。过程是这样的,先看文章,可用较快的速度看。不过,虽不需要句句、词词完全精确地翻译出来,但对于文章的理解也要到位,否则对以后的做题不利。不过,如果发现文章有一定的难度,在理解上有一定的困难,则可以先掌握其主要资讯,理顺文章的思路,再看短文后的题目。有时你会惊喜地发现,一些在读文章时并没有完全理解的地方,在看到提问时反而能理解清楚了。2、先看题目再做题。这种方法主要用于做那些对你有一定难度的文章。你可以先看题目,然后反复回看该题所涉及到的文章中的段落,努力找出正确答案。3、运用自己所学到的知识答题。这种方法对于科技小品、人物介绍、历史故事等有一定的效果。当你并不完全理解文章所表达的意思,但你却知道文章表达的是什么方面的内容时,不妨利用你已知的知识进行猜测,也许这也是一个可以尝试的方法。4、猜测法。在做阅读理解题时,猜测也是一种能力。同样一篇高难度的文章,对于一些学生来讲简直不知道该如何下手做题才好,但对于另一些同学来说,他们能利用自己已有的语言及生活知识,根据上下文进行逻辑推理,迅速排除逻辑有误的选项,找出最有可能的选项。当然,方法的使用也是建立在你一定量的训练的基础上的,想不通过辛勤的劳动而找到一种万能的解题方法,这只能是徒劳的。 III. 如何进行阅读理解的训练和复习这里,请同学们注意一下平时的阅读训练和考试时的做题方式的不同。平时阅读训练的过程一般可分三步,即选材、阅读和总结。1、选材。英语文章都可以作为英语阅读材料,但不是所有的文章都适合你现在来阅读,太容易的和太难的文章都不会给你带来较多的帮助,相反,有时甚至还会使你失去阅读的兴趣。因此,你可以选择与你学习的程度(即现在你所学的教科书上的课文的程度)相配套的阅读文章,它们可从你平时的练习册以及各类考卷的阅读理解题中找到。这些文章篇幅不大,阅读过程中还可以逐步培养自己的应试能力。当然,为了能提高自己的阅读兴趣,你也不妨阅读一些记篇幅较长、语言浅显的故事、一类,甚至英文报刊及网路上的英文新闻等,但它们只能作为泛读材料,即只作阅读而无需费时去总结语言知识。题材要多样化,当然,在开始阅读时,仍可以自己的兴趣为主。2、阅读。如果阅读材料有标题,你在阅读前不妨先猜测一下本文会谈些怎样的内容,这样做能使你较快地进入阅读材料所提供的语言环境中。一些同学在阅读前会对自己的阅读过程作一个时间的规范,这样做很好,因为,高考英语对考生的阅读速度和准确性同时提出了相当的高的要求。但千万不要为自己所规范好的时间所累,因为,你所选的文章有容易也有难,而文章的难易只有在你读了之后才能知道。因此你预先规范的时间只能作为你阅读过程中的参考,却不能受其束缚,更不能仅为时间而阅读。现在你可以读你的这篇选好的阅读材料了。这是你的第一遍阅读,注意,即使这是第一遍,你也一定要做到认真、周密,争取一步到位。在这第一遍阅读的时候,你不宜多作回读而影响阅读的速度,也不要反复地翻查词典而影响你对文章的连贯的理解,对于一些陌生的词或词语要尽量通过上下文去揣摩其意思,因为这也是培养阅读能力的一个方面。文章已读完了一遍,现在你应直接做文章之后的问答题以检查一下你对文章理解的情况。做完题目后应该马上核对答案,并找出自己出错的原因。这对于提高你今后的答题能力是相当有帮助的。3、总结。总结的第一步就是重新阅读文章。这一步是必不可少的,可许多同学却总是省略这一步。在做第二遍的阅读时,你应该做到比读第一遍时更加认真细致,遇到不认识的词语可查词典,读到难词难句时,你还可以停下来想一下,无法解答的一些难句和问题也可以请教同学和老师。总结的第二步则是认真做阅读笔记。笔记应记下你所阅读文章的一些基本资讯如题目、出处(即在哪一本书或练习册上找到)等,以方便你今后的查阅,同时也可以记下你的阅读速度以及你答题的成绩。笔记更应该记你阅读中所接触到的语言知识。所记的语言知识可以是新的,如第一次接触到的生词和词语或者是已学过的单词或片语的新的用法等,也可以是已学过的而你认为很有必要再强调一下的。文中的一些有句型、语法特点的句子以及你认为有意义、能够扩充你的知识或丰富你的思想和生活语汇的句子不妨也摘抄下来,以便日后反复诵读。 在你做了上述总结的两步之后,你还应该把整篇文章朗读一两遍,以加强对文章和语言知识的理解和记忆。阅读能力的提高是一个渐进的过程,任何人都不要奢望自己的阅读能力能在一朝一夕之间就达到高超的水平。阅读能力决定于多方面,如词汇量、语言知识积累程度、语法及句子结构分析的能力以及非语言知识的知识面等,甚至一个人当时当地的情绪有时也在一定程度上左右著阅读水平的发挥。大量的、有良好方法的阅读训练能使你克服许多不足,从而提高你的阅读水平。


上海市中考英语阅读理解训练题及参考答案:Our eating habits


 Our eating habits(习惯)are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice-cream,they are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our etite(食欲)。It's important for us to eat our meal at regular(规律)time each day.When we feel worried or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges(法官)often decided whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not swallow(吞)the bread,it meant that he wasn't telling the truth.Though this seems strange and foolish,they thought it was a good way of finding out truth.A man who is worried about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry because he loses his etite.

 1.Good eating habits are very important for our _________.

 2.The sweets and ice-cream may _________ our etite,if we eat them before a meal.

 3.A person may not want to eat when he feels _________ or _________.

 4.The judges in old England thought if a man didn't tell the truth,he could _________.

 参考答案:1.health 2.take away 3.worried,excited 4.not swallow the dry bread easily.
















 一 试卷基本情况:







 三、 具体改进措施:








 1. 试题概况

 初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试英语试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分。第I卷为选择题(共55分),包括:听力测试 (20分)、单项填空(15分)、完形填空(10分)和阅读理解(10分);第II卷为非选择题(共65分),包括:听写、补全对话与阅读表达(20分)、词形转换(5分)、完成句子 (10分)、短文填空 (15分)和书面表达(15分)。全卷共96小题,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。试卷结构简约,组卷方式清晰。

 2. 试题简析


 听力测试:共25小题,计25分。试题以句子为最小理解单位,考查学生通过听的方式获取信息和处理信息的能力。听力部分的四个题型,具有较强的情景性、交际性和实用性,语言材料贴近学生,贴近生活,是学生所熟悉的、能够理解的,语境相对真实,考点分布合理,题目涵盖面广。① 听句子选,旨在考查考生的听辨能力。以与听力材料相关的作为选项,减轻了考生在听录音时阅读文字的负担,也使卷面生动、活泼。② 听对话选择最佳答案:考察学生快速捕捉关键信息的能力。③ 听短文,判断正误:不仅考察学生快速的听辨能力,同时考察学生对整个短文的理解与把握。④ 听对话,完成表格:重在考察学生的听写能力,听细节,抓关键。听写的都是基础的、要求学生掌握的四会单词。总体来说,听力部分题型设计由浅入深,由易到难,层次分明,布局合理,情景丰富真实,考查点覆盖面广,技能考查全面,难度适宜。

 单项填空:共15小题,计15分。坚持?突出语境,强化语意,注重运用?, 始终体现在语境中考查英语知识的综合运用。 大部分试题的选材都是简短的句子或对话,具有口语性和交际性。试题提供的语境充分,并且能结合当前的热点话题人物等,考点设置合理、试题的题干简洁明了,突出考点。正确选项和干扰选项设立科学、有效。没有偏题、难题和怪题。试题考查内容广,涉及词法、句法、情景会话等,考点覆盖初中各项语法知识,如冠词、代词、介词、副词、形容词、动词(情态动词、动词不定式、动词词语辨析、动词短语)、现在完成时、被动语态、宾语从句、反意疑问句等。在有限的题量中注意了试题情景化和生活化设计,具有时代性,综合考查学生在一定的语境中运用语言基础知识的能力,避免了单纯考查语言知识的现象。











 短文填空:本大题分A、B 两部分。A篇是用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。文章内容是关于社会行为和公德问题,具有很好的教育意义。语篇考查了学生对文章的整体理解及对动词各种形式的运用。考查内容能够包含动词不定式、过去式、被动语态、一般将来时、时间状语从句、固定用法、现在完成时等,难度设计合理。B篇要求在短文空格内填入适当的词,首字母已给出。本题重点考查学生对短文的理解以及对词汇的掌握情况。考查的都是较为常见的基础词汇,并出现了一些固定搭配,另外文章为记叙文体,情节脉络较为清楚,易于推测和预设,所以整体来讲难度适中。文章中关于对话部分的设置在一定程度上会


 书面表达:计15分。要求学生根据生活方式自我评价表及问题提示,结合自己的实际情况,以?My lifestyle?为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语短文。题目贴近学生生活实际,与教材内容紧密联系又不拘泥于教材,让学生感到有话可说,有内容可写。表格和英语提示既为学生的写作提供了思考的方向,同时又给学生留下了创造和想象的空间,有利于学生实际水平的发挥,较好地考查了学生综合语言运用能力。难度设计也充分考虑了大多数初中学生的英语水平。








 1、听力部分:试题难度不大,因此学生在该部分的得分率较高,但是学生的两极分化严重,高分很高,甚至满分,而低分则太低。其中听力第9,10 小题错误率较高,学生对于数字单词的敏感性较低。










 3.平时教学方法单一, 难于充分调动学生的积极性和课堂的;有效参与。



















第1卷(选择题 共85分)




5. A. The radio says it's windy.

B. It's very hot here in summer.

C. I'd like to swim tomorrow.

6. A. Hello. I am Jimmy.

B. Hello. It's Jimmy speaking.

C. Hello. Are you Jane?

7. A. A week ago.

B. The day before yesterday.

C. About one week.

8. A. Sorry, I don't know.

B. I like the museum very much.

C. That's very kind of you.

9. A. Sure. B. I am not sure. C. All right.

10. A. Me?too. B. I'd love to. C. I like it, too.


11. A. A dance party. B. A Chinese party. C. A dinner party.

12. A. Betty borrowed it. B. Jim borrowed it. C. It is lost.

13. A. 7: 00. B. 7 : 15. C. 7: 50.

14. A. America. B. Canada. C. Germany.

15. A. Fish. B. Rice. C. Vegetables.

16. A. In a shop. B. In a theater. C. In a restaurant.

17. A. Moscow. B. Hong Kong. C. Shanghai.


听第一段对话,回答第1 8~2 1小题。

18. A. In the cinema.

B. On their way to the cinema.

C. At the cinema booking office.

19. A. To know about the film.

B. To see a new film.

C. To tell their ages.

20. A. Fif. B. Twelve. C. Almost thir.

21. A. Because they are too young for the film.

B. Because they he no tickets.

C. Because Tom is too young for the film.

听第二段对话,回答第2 2~25小题。

22. A. A picnic. B. Healthy food. C. Drinks.

23. A. Orange juice. B. Cola. C. Soda.

24. A. Crisps. B. Bread. C. Fruit.

25. A. They are hing supper.

B. They are drinking orange juice.

C. They are getting things ready.



26. When do British families usually he their dinner?

A. Before six o'clock.

B. After eight o'clock.

C. Between six and eight o'clock.

27. What did they eat before?

A. Fast food, take-a way food and ready-made food.

B. Meat or fish with vegetables or salad.

C. Indian, Chinese or Thai food.

28. Where can they buy frozen ready-made meals?

A. In Chinese restaurants.

B. In supermarkets.

C. In fast food restaurants.

29. How is the British diet changing?

A. They eat neither Chinese food nor Indian food.

B. They eat many more vegetables.

C. They eat a lot of fast food, take-away food and ready-made meals.

30. What's the passage talking about?

A. The healthy diet. B. The British diet. C. The Indian and Chinese diet.



31. Look at________ window! There is ________ fly on it.

A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D, a; the

32. — Would you like some______ ?

— Thanks. Pm not thirsty at all.

A. bananas B. bread C. hamburgers D. juice

33. Don't lose________ in computer games, children.

A. yourself B. yourselves C. ourselves D. themselves

34. What is your excuse your being late yesterday?

A. about B. for C. in D. to

35. — Can you understand me?

— Sorry. I can________ hear you clearly.

A. almost B. ever C. hardly D. nearly

36' — do you go to Qingdao?

— Oh, I he never been there before.

A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often

37. Maybe there is something wrong with my car. I can't________ it.

A. move B. begin C. start D. work

38. When a driver sees the sign he________ stop. He________ go on.

A. must; mustn't B. mustn't; must C. can; can't D. can't; can

39. — Mom, I'm leing for Beijing tomorrow morning.

— Oh, good. But be sure to phone me ________ you get to Beijing, please.

A. when B. while C. because D. if

40. None of them knew about the plan because it ______ a secret.

A. kept B. keeps C. is kept D. was kept

41. — What do you think of Zhou Jielun?

— Oh, he is my fourite singer. I think no one can sing________.

A. good B. well C. better D. best

42. This is not my watch. Do you know_____ it is?

A. what B. which C. who D. whose

43. — Hi, Betty. Shall we go swimming this Sunday?

— This Sunday? I am sorry. I he a lot of homework _______ this Sunday.

A. to do B. done C. do D. to be done

44. — Mom, I'm going out with my classmates tonight.

— OK. But you'd better________ back too late.

A. don't come B. not to come C. not coming D. not come

45. What's wrong with the orange? It_______ terrible.

A. is tasting B. is tasted C. tastes D. tasted

46. — What is the main cause of the accident?

— Driving________.

A. carefully B. careful C. careless D. carelessly

47- when the light went out last night?

A. What were you doing B. What he you done

C. What did you do D. How were you doing

48. — I am sorry to tell you that you shouldn't smoke here. Please look at the sign.

— Oh. I am sorry. I it.

A. don' t notice B. didn't notice C. will notice D. hen' t notice

49. — May I use your dictionary, Mary?

A. No, go ahead B. Yes, help yourself

C. Of course not D. It doesn't matter

50. — If you fall into trouble, please let me know.

A. I will think it over . B. I will never fall into trouble

B. I will. Thank you very much D. I am very hy to hear that

三、完形填空(共1 5小题。计1 5分)


One day, a boy and his little sister were sitting by a lake near their house when a bear eared. There was 51 place for them to get away. The children had to step back to the 52 . They kept backing and the bear kept 53 at them.

As the two children were already wearing 54 the boy told his 55 to jump into the lake. But the bear

56 them into the lake and caught the girl by the life-jacket. The boy turned back and tried to pull his sister away from the bear.

But that didn't work. Then the boy tried growling 57 at the bear. 58 by this*the bear let the girl go. The children scrambled ashore(上岸)and ran up to the house with the bear 59 them.

The children tried to get 60 the house through the front door but it was 61 With the bear right behind them, they ran 62 the house. Each time it got too 63 , the boy. stopped and growled, and each time the bear stopped coming at them, allowing the children to 64 . Finally they succeeded in ente?ring by the back door.

They 65 the police station. Two policemen came and drove the bear away.

51. A. no B. any C. some D. enough

52. A. house B. lake C. shore D. bear

53. A. climbing B. coming C. backing D. smiling

54. A. jackets B. hats C. life-jackets D. shoes

55. A. friend B. bear C. mother D. sister

56. A. took B. brought C. kicked D. followed

57. A. sadly B. hily C. loudly D. kindly

58. A. Encouraged B. Surprised C. Disointed D. Discouraged

59. A. before B. beside C. over D. after

60. A. into B. out of C. onto D. off

61. A. open B. moved C. locked D. small

62. A. to B. into C. around D. out of

63. A. far B. close C. afraid D. hy

64. A. escape B. play C. jump D. smile

65. A. phoned B. shouted at C. went to D. told




The next Britney Spears(小甜甜布兰妮) in China? That's who Nirace (倪睿思) , 21, told the reporter she wants to be. With her lively dance music and tanned skin, the Shanghai singer is living her dream!

Nirace became famous at the age of 16. She has just made her first album (专辑) "Lead Role". Don't miss the nice dance and R&B music on it!

In life, Nirace is a lively girl who likes to wear cool T-shirts and jeans. She even says she liked to show off when she was a child! Nirace has been a bold ( 大胆的 ) girl ever since then. She never hides her talent! At the age of five or six, kids near her home often got together. One of them stood on a bench to sing or dance. While other kids felt very shy, Nirace was hy to do it! She held a microphone and asked people to give her a hand!

But she was sometimes shy, too. As a student, Nirace had to miss school a lot to sing. She would he to give her teacher a note. It said why she had to miss class. When she handed in the note to her teacher, she would he to get afraid and run away quickly! She couldn't look at the teacher. But her teacher was kind. Nirace studied English at school. As a singer, she often has to trel abroad. But, on her first trip, she couldn't even open her mouth to say "thank you"! She is much bolder now!

66. Nirace's dream is to________.

A. make her first album . B. talk to the reporter

C. dance D. be the next Britney Spear

67. When Nirace became famous, she was only________ years old.

A. 5 B. 6 C.16 D. 21

68. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT correct?

A. Nirace liked to show off when she was young.

B. Nirace never hides her talent.

C. Nirace dared not sing before others.

D. Nirace is a bold girl.

69. Nirace often missed school because

A. she had to take part in singing B. she was a bold girl

C. her teacher was hard on her D. she didn't like to go to school

70. When Nirace first trelled abroad, _______.

A. she could speak English very well

B. she could almost say nothing in English

C. she spoke English better than now

D. she had never learned English before


One day Paul saw some small eggs under a leaf in the garden. His father said that they were the eggs of a butterfly.

Paul picked the leaf and asked his mother for an empty jar (fig). He made holes in the cover of the jar, and put the leaf in the jar.

Soon some of the eggs changed into tiny caterpillars. Paul put fresh lees in the jar every day. They were food for the caterpillars. Some of the cater?pillars died but a few grew bigger and bigger. Then, they changed into co?coons and did not move about any more.

A few weeks later, Paul had a big surprise. A beautiful butterfly came out of each cocoon. Paul took the cover off the jar and let the butterflies fly away.

71. Which of the following shows the correct order for eggs to change into butter-flies?

72. put the eggs under a leaf.

A. Paul B. Paul's mother

C. Paul's father D. A butterfly

73. Paul's father________where the eggs came from.

A. wanted to know B. did not know

C. knew D. asked Paul

74. Paul made holes in the cover to let_______ .

A. the caterpillars go B. air come in

C. rain enter D. the butterflies go

75. Paul opened the jar________,

A. every day B. every week

C. twice a week D. sometimes


In the United States, six, eigh, and twenty-one are important ages in a person's life. There are no special celebrations for these birthdays?but each is a time when a person can do new things to mark their transition (转变) into adult-hood(成人时期)

After turning six a person can work, get a driver's licence and lee home. Many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs soon after celebrating their sixth birthday.

At the age of eigh a person in the United States can vote and smoke, but they are prohibited from going into many nightclubs, buying wine or gambling (赌 博) until they are twenty-one.

In many La tin(拉丁的) cultures, a young woman's fifth birthday is im?portant. At this age, she is regarded as an adult (成年人) . To mark this special day, families with age daughters he a celebration called a Quinceanera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to church. Later, there is a party and many guests are invited.

In Japan, young people become adults at twenty. At this age, they can legally (合法的) vote, drink wine and smoke. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called ' Coming of Age Day. ' On this day, twenty-year-olds celebrate by first going to a church to pray with their families. Later, they listen to speeches given by city and school leaders. Afterward, many celebrate with family or friends late into the night. .

In some countries, birthday celebrations continue through adulthood. Some people celebrate their fortieth and fiftieth birthdays, or their retirement (退休)

year, with a huge party.

76. In the United States, age six marks the time when you can ________.

A. vote and drive B. drive and get a job

C. drink wine and smoke D. go into nightclubs

77. In some cultures, the fifth birthday is important for________.

A. parents

B. young men

C. both young women and young men

D. young women

78. In Japan, young people are considered adults at age________.

A. six B. eigh C. twenty D. twenty-one

79. Which of the following is not the turning point in a person's life in the USA?

A. The 15th birthday. B. The 16th birthday.

C. The 18th birthday. D. The 21st birthday.

80. What is the meaning of the word "prohibit"?

A.允许 B.禁止 C.终止 D.支持


A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.

Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasn't built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Sea water is everywhere around the city.

Even so, trel isn't that difficult. The waterways he always been the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can lead you where you want to go.

People in Venice move from place to place by boat.. They like to enjoy the scenery and cool summer nights while taking boat trips. They can talk to other people as they go along.

Venice grew out of small islands in saltwater lakes when some Italians es?caped from a war more than 1500 years ago, and built homes there.

Water makes the city special, but it is also a big problem.

Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city get low?er, little by little. Now the city has gone down by 23 centimeters.

Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made arctic (北冰洋的) ice melt (融化).

Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of wa?ter comes, more than half of the city is under water.

Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower.

81. According to the article, which picture shows the right position of Venice?

82. The best way to trel in Venice is by water, because________.

A. 117, waterways can make your trip easy

B. You can talk to other people while you go along

C. You can enjoy the scenery and cool summer nights

D. It is not only easy but also you can enjoy yourself better

83. There are________ reasons that lead Venice lower and lower.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

84. Which of the following statements (陈述) is TRUE?

A. The first people coming to the island were Italians.

B. They came to Venice, because they liked the place very much. ,

C. They came here at the year 1 500.

D. The city has gone down to 23 centimeters.

85. The article is mainly about________.

A. the position of Venice B. the history of Venice

C. the problem of Venice D. the scenery of Venice

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 35分)

五、单词拼写(共10小题。计l O分)


86. He wants to be a scientist in the f______ .

87. This book gives you some good (主意) of life.

88. He was /n?kt/ down by a car yesterday.

89. How beautiful the ______/?ik/forest is!

90. The two books are the same /ik'septe/ that this one has answers at the back.

91. She doesn't like going out________/?'l?un/after dark.

92. We should plant a lot of trees to make our city beautiful. The m________ trees , the better.

93. You will r a warm welcome when you arrive at our school.

94. There are two big /'laibr?riz/ in the university.

95. In the northeast of China the (温度) stays below zero in winter.




I want to know____________________________________.


The traffic accident___________________________________.


_____________________ your daughter. After all, she is too young.


I won't lee .


that our class will go to the North Sea for an outing after the exam?


I always think____________________________.


Liu Xiang is______________ in our country.

1 03.他很懒惰,从不收拾房间。

he never cleans his room.


The project___________________________.


It is impossible our motherland.



Rob: Hi, Mom. I'm home!

Mom; 106 It's almost 5 : 00.

Rob: Sorry. I was at Sam's house.

Mom- 107

Rob: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.

Mom: Maybe I'll do that sometime later.

Rob: 108

Mom-Now? I'm busy cooking.

Rob: It doesn't matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?

Mom: Sam let you borrow some of them? 109

Rob: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.

Mom, That's a lot of CDs. 110

Rob; He does. He spends his Mom's money, too.

A. Sam must spend all of his money on music.

B. What were you doing?

C. What should I do now?

D. It looks like you borrowed all of them.

E. Sam must love music very much.

F. Where he you been?

G. How about now?


11 1.你的英国朋友Tony,利用期再次来中国旅游观光。他很想结交更多的中国朋友。因此,你带他来到你的学校,与你的同学见面。请根据下面所提供的信息向全班同学介绍一下他的基本情况。开头已给出(不记入总词数)。











Hello, Everyone!___________________________

That's all! Thank you!


l.A 2. A 3.C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15.

2008北京中考统一卷 2008.6.26


1. I’m going skating. Would you like to go with ___?

A. me B. I C. my D. mine

2. Peter usually gets up early ___ the morning.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

3. Lucy and Lily ___ sisters. They study at the same school.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

4. It’s a nice house ___ it hasn’t got a garden.

A. and B. or C. but D. so

5. — ___ you speak Japanese?

— No, I can’t.

A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should

6. I’m hungry. I want ___ to eat.

A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

7. — ___ did you buy for your mom for Mother’s Day?

— Some flowers.

A. How B. Where C. When D. What

8. I think real cards are ____ than e-cards.

A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest

9. — My brother’s ill in hospital.

— I’m sorry ____ that.

A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear

10. Don’t turn on the TV. Grandma ____ now.

A. is sleeping B. will sleep C. slept D. sleeps

11. We were in Qingdao last week and ____ great fun there.

A. will he B. he had C. had D. he

12. — Linda, when shall we take a walk?

— After I finish ____ the dishes.

A. wash B. washed C. to wash D. washing

13. — Hello! Can I speak to Alice?

— Sorry. She isn’t here right now. She ____ to the shop.

A. goes B. will go C. has gone D. was going

14. Betty likes ___ very much. She draws pictures every day.

A. art B. music C. sport D. science

15. He’ll send us a message as soon as he ____ in Sichuan.

A. is arriving B. will arrive C. arrived D. arrives

16. — Who’s the little baby in the photo, Susan?

— It’s me. This photo ____ ten years ago.

A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken

17. — Do you know ______ for Shanghai last night?

— At 9:00.

A. what time he lees B. what time does he lee

C. what time he left D. what time did he lee

18. — Shall we go to the sea animal show tomorrow?

— ______

A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. It doesn’t matter. D. It’s very kind of you.


Gilbert joined the Science Club last summer. One day he was handed a piece of paper, a block of wood and four wheels; he was told to go home and 1 them all to “dad”. However, Gilbert’s mom knew that his dad wasn’t good at making things and decided that she would read the 2 and let Gilbert do the work. A few days later the block of wood was turning into a car that Gilbert 3 named “Blue Lightning”. Then he and his mother went to a car race together. But when they 4 there, Gilbert found that his car was the only one that had not been made by a “father-son” partnership (合作).

The race began. One by one the cars were knocked out until it 5 to the final betweeen Gilbert and Jimmy. Just before the race, Gilbert asked 6 they could stop for a minute so that he could make a wish. After a long minute, Gilbert said that he was 7 .

People cheered as the race began. Jimmy stood with his father and watched their car racing down the road while Gilbert was surprised at the great 8 of his car as it rushed over the finishing line less than a second 9 Jimmy’s. Gilbert jumped up and down with 10 .

Soon the club manager came over and asked him, “So, Gilbert, your wish was to 11 , right?” “Oh no, sir,” he replied. “I just wished that I wouldn’t cry if I lost.”

Children sometimes 12 adults with unexpected ideas. When Gilbert first saw the other cars, he didn’t cry out, “Not fair! Other children had their fathers’ help!” Gilbert didn’t wish for victory in the race; instead he wished for courage.

1. A. send B. return C. lend D. give

2. A. instructions B. passage C. message D. explanations

3. A. easily B. carefully C. proudly D. kindly

4. A. lived B. got C. met D. passed

5. A. ran B. moved C. came D. rushed

6. A. whether B. why C. when D. where

7. A. sure B. ready C. tired D. sorry

8. A. effort B. energy C. speed D. value

9. A. past B. over C. after D. before

10. A. excitement B. enjoyment C. agreement D. achievement

11. A. change B. break C. lee D. win

12. A. satisfy B. surprise C. please D. encourage



What does the sign (标识) say?

1. What time does the university park open in March?

A. At 6:00 am. B. At 6:30 am. C. At 8:00 am. D. At 8:30 am.

2. Which sign tells you not to smoke?

A. Sign 2. B. Sign 4. C. Sign 6. D. Sign 8.

3. Where can you see Sign 9?

A. On the playground. B. At the school library.

C. Near the swimming pool. D. In the computer room.


Do you want to live a hier, less stressful (有压力的) life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world — and many doctors now think that hing a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria. “Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone’s naturally good at laughing — it’s the universal language. We want people to feel hy with their lives.” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.

Many doctors are also interested in the effects (效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%.

So, what hens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I was quite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest — I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group of strangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say “ho ho ho, ha ha ha,” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.

Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real — and some people just couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if you’re under stress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results!

4. In which country was the first Laughter Club started?

A. Britain. B. America. C. Australia. D. India.

5. How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?

A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Nervous. D. Stressful.

6. When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real?

A. After a few minutes. B. After a few hours. C. After a few seconds. D. After a few days.

7. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Fake laughter and real laughter are both good for health.

B. 40% of the people in Laughter Clubs are good friends.

C. Adults laugh more often than children in a day. D. Laughing is the best way to prevent illness.


Each year Ben is glad when school is closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ben knows that this day honors an important man, but Ben does not feel connected to him. However, the small-world theory (理论) connects Ben to Dr. King. Ben’s mom (0) has a close friend, Amy (1). Amy’s uncle, Mark (2), once met and spoke to John Carter (3), the son of President Jimmy Carter (4). Jimmy Carter knew Dr. King (5). In a way, Ben is only “five people away” from Martin Luther King Jr.

The small-world theory says that everyone in the world is connected through a short chain (链条) of people they know. Another name of this chain is degrees of separation. Each degree is a step that separates a person from someone he or she does not know. There are zero degrees of separation between a person and the people he or she knows directly. This means that there are zero degrees between Ben and his mom. There is one degree of separation when just one person separates someone from a person he or she does not know. Ben knows his mom, but he hasn’t met her close friend Amy. Therefore, Ben is one degree away from Amy. As the chain continues, Amy’s uncle, Mark, is two degrees. John Carter is three degrees, and his father is four degrees. Dr. King is five degrees away from Ben. The theory says that there are no more than six degrees of separation between any two people in the world.

The small-world theory has a lot to do with math. The theory assumes (定) that each person knows 100 people. Each one of those 100 people knows 50 different people. Each of those 50 people knows another 50 people, and so on. When someone continues the calculation to six degrees, it is like this: 100 × 50 × 50 × 50 × 50 × 50 = 31.25 × 109. This number is greater than 31 billion (a billion = a thousand million). There are over 6 billion people in the world. These numbers show it is possible that six degrees of separation could include everyone in the world.

Does the small-world theory work? No one has ever proved it. Maybe the theory just invites people to think a little more about their places in the world.

8. Ben is two degrees away from __________.

A. Jimmy Carter B. John Carter C. Amy D. Mark

9. What is the meaning of “degrees of separation” in Paragraph 2?

A. The chain to connect people. B. The relations between people.

C. The steps of knowing strangers. D. The separation between strangers.

10. What is the small-world theory mainly about?

A. How far Ben is away from Dr. King. B. How many people one can get to know.

C. How people are connected in the world. D. How the degrees of separation are set up.

11. We can learn from the article that _____________.

A. the small-world theory works

B. more research is needed to prove the theory

C. six degrees are needed to know the strangers

D. the writer’s purpose is to help people find out their places


family, too, do, five, and, farmer, like

( At an English corner )

A: Hello! I’m Peter.

B: Hello! I’m Liu Dong. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, 1 .

B. I’m from China. Where’re you from?

A: I’m from America. How many people are there in your 2 ?

B: There’re 3 . They’re my grandpa, grandma, father, mother and I.

A: What do your parents 4 ?

B: My father’s a teacher 5 my mother works in a bookstore.

A: Does your father 6 his job?

B: Sure. He likes teaching very much. What about your parents?

A: Both of them are 7 . They he a big farm.


1. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。

The post office is a bit far from here. ____________ take a bus.

2. 为什么不早点儿把这个好消息告诉他呢?

_______________ tell him the good news a little earlier?

3. 王芳还没来,她怎么了?

Wang Fang hasn’t come yet. _____________________ her?

4. 很多医护人员太忙了,顾不上吃饭。

Many doctors and nurses are _______________ to he their meals.

5. 战士们已连续工作了18个小时,有必要让他们停下来休息。

The soldiers he kept working for 18 hours, so _____________________________________________.


The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of different kinds of animals, plants, and birds. Most of the world’s fresh water is here and the forest plants clean the Earth’s air every day.

Chico was born near the Amazon town, Brazil, in 1944 and started working when he was very young. Like the rest of his family, the boy got the money by taking a little rubber from the trees in the forest. (The trees are not hurt when the rubber is taken.) The forest and its people lived together comfortably and peacefully.

But some people think too much about themselves and never think about the future. In 1980, the forest was burned to build roads, houses and factories. Chico was angry; he wanted to se the forest! He talked to the workers, but they didn’t listen to him. They were still clearing the rainforests to make quick, easy money. “Many voices are stronger than one,” he thought, so Chico held group meetings. He discovered that hundreds of people agreed with him. His hope grew. More people came together to try to stop the work of the forest clearers. Large areas of the forest were sed. Later he treled to many other countries for international help. People soon became very much interested in this bre Brazilian. In the next few years Chico’s name became famous all over the world. The of Brazil started making plans to protect large areas of the Amazon rainforest.

But as Chico’s dreams started coming true, someone stopped him in the only possible way. The famous forest fighter was murdered right outside his home on December 22, 1988. Chico’s life was cut short, but his bre new ideas continued in other people. One man changed the world’s ideas. After his death, people around the world sent money to help Chico’s work.

1. Was Chico born in Brazil?


2. How did young Chico get money?


3. How many things did Chico do after the forest was burned?


4. When was Chico murdered?


5. What did Chico achieve in his life?





汶川地震 (Wenchuan Earthquake) 发生后,9岁学生林浩 (Lin Hao) 救了两名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。

请你就林浩同学的事迹,以 “Learn from the Hero” 为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包括林浩同学的事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要向他学习什么。

提示词语:a student, nine years old, hen, se, walk, to safety,

be deeply moved, bre, give up

Learn from the Hero


2008北京中考统一卷 答案


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A

6. B 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A

11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. D

16. D 17. C 18. B


1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C

6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A

11. D 12. B


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C

6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C

11. B


1. too 2. family 3. five 4. do 5. and 6. like 7. farmers


1. You’d better 2. Why not 3. What’s wrong with

4. too busy to 5. it’s necessary to make them stop to he a rest


1. Yes, he was. 2. By taking a little rubber. 3. Three.

4. On December 22, 1988 5. He protected the forest and changed the world’s ideas.


One possible version:

Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake hened, he sed two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety.

I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a bre boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face any difficulties.
