4.confidence in the political翻译
Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.人生如同**,写自己的结局,持续相信,继续演出。 Maybe there's something fate can't touch, fate doesn't control how easily you come to peace.或许这世界上还有命运无法触及的东西吧,它无法掌控你寻找心灵宁静的脚步。 Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. 每一样东西都会在对的时间出现,请怀着耐心和感恩去等待。
导语:人生就是一件蠢事追着另一件蠢事而来,而爱情则是两个蠢东西追来追去。 下面是我收集的王尔德语录 ,祝您生活愉快
The well bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.
Hatred is blind, as well as love.
Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Hing a purpose in life is not.
Always forgive your enemies ? nothing annoys them so much.
When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing one?s self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance.
The very essence of romance is uncertainty.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
We Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.
What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise
The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.
Over the piano was printed a notice: Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best.
The heart was made to be broken.
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.
Religions die when they are proved to be true. Science is the record of dead religions.
Why was I born with such contemporaries
A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
Only the shallow know themselves.
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it? I can resist everything but temptation.
Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation
I like to do all the talking myself. It ses time, and prevents arguments.
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
I he nothing to declare except my genius.
I like men who he a future and women who he a past
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.
What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing
I like persons better than principles, and I like persons with no principles better than anything else in the world.
It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution
I don?t want to earn my living; I want to live.
Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers
Life is never fair?And perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.
How can a woman be expected to be hy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.
All charming people, I fancy, are spoiled. It is the secret of their attraction
Nothing is so aggrating than calmness.
Popularity is the one insult I he never suffered.
Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.
To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world, the most difficult and the most intellectual
A true friend stabs you in the front.
Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.
My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has to go.
No man is rich enough to buy back his own past.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one?s mistakes.
What is the chief cause of divorce? Marriage.
When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another love and wise already had one in reserve.
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist.
I represent to you all the sins you he never had the courage to commit.
One can always be kind to people one cares nothing about.
比尔盖茨10大经典语录英文版1. 生活是不公平的,要去适应它。 Life is not fair, get used to it. 2.世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。 The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 3.刚毕业的你不会一年挣4万美元,在你将此职位和汽车都挣到手以前,你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车。 You will not make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won"t be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both. 4.你认为你的教师严厉,等你在老板手下干活时再这样想,老板可不像教师那样有任期限制的。 If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn"t he tenure. 5.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要抱怨错误,要从中汲取教训。 If you mess up, it"s not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about our mistakes, learn from them. 6.在你出生之前,你的父母并非像他们现在这样乏味。他们变成今天这个样子,是因为这些年来一直在为你付帐单,给你洗衣服,听你大谈如何的酷。所以在对父母喋喋不休之前,还是先去打扫一下你自己的屋子吧。
Before you were born, your parents weren"t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you se the rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room. 7.你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在做出类似区分。某些学校已经废除不及格分,只要你想找到正确答案,学校会给你无数次机会。这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。 Your school may he done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they he abolished failing grades; they"ll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn"t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. 8.生活不分学期,你并没有暑可以休息,也没有几位雇主乐于帮助你发现自我。自己找时间做吧。 Life is not divided into semesters. You don"t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time. 9.电视不是真实的生活。现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。 Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually he to lee the coffee shop and go to jobs. 10.善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你在工作中也会变成一个乏味的人。 Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one.
还有三毛的:6 don't go to see the wound, it will someday become scarred, scars don't faded, but it won't hurt.
7. If I don't like it, I will not marry a millionaire
8 if I like, a multi-millionaire also marry
9 then I, is a beautiful woman. I know, I smile, like spring, will be moved people -- for who he is.
11. The dream of flower know how much if not success, also not blank.
The long journey through 12 of the joy, hiness, but only several thousand tears, but he done thousands of different kinds of pain pain, it couldn't tear, only to time.
13. "I am a free man like air, to interfere in my mind free time, never compromise."
16. After all, hiness is compared, stay, and not strong, but in the heart of bitterness, cut the repeal of pain, my skin is still say, "for the sake of the love, the bitter cup farewell, or let me drink!"
17. "I am finally understand my life in the eyes of the person I love how important it is to he long... I love, I care not to he long.
19 "even death, besides the courage to live?"
23 because god constant love, I can learn to love this world a weed and blade.
Ten cubits, and relates the boundless hugecrowd, or to place
27 I came in front of the opposing station, said to himself: if you can't rewind time, let it all, with breeze but go to.
28 locked my memory, locked my sadness, no longer think again, how can you, hy is forbidden, life and death, find the key to enter.
31. Sometimes we want to his cruel, cannot indulge sad down, Sometimes we want to their loved ones, will be cruel to their love of memory
33 to you very old and I'm old, both walk also helped motionless, wear clean clothes, lie on the bed, close your eyes say: ok! Toghter go!
35 every miss you once, the sky falls from a grain of sand, and formed the Sahara翻译:6.不要去看那个伤口,它有一天会结疤的,疤痕不褪,可它不会再痛。
7. 如果我不喜欢,百万富翁我也不嫁
8. 如果我喜欢,千万富翁也嫁
9. 那时的我,是一个美丽的女人。我知道,我笑,便如春花,必能感动人的——任他是谁.
11. 梦里花落知多少中的即使不成功,也不至于空白.
12. 万水千山走遍中的世上的欢乐幸福,总结起来只有几种,而千行的眼泪,却有千种不同的疼 痛,那打不开的泪结,只有交给时间去解.
13. “我是一个像空气一样自由的人,妨碍我心灵自由的时候,绝不妥协。”
16. 毕竟,先走的是比较幸福的,留下来的,也并不是强者,可是,在这彻心的苦,切肤的疼痛里,我仍是要说——“为了爱的缘故,这永别的苦杯,还是让我来喝下吧!”
17. “我终于明白我的生命在爱我的人眼里是多么的重要……我的爱有多长,我的牵挂与不 舍也就有多长。
19. “连死的勇气都有,何况活呢?”
23. 因为上帝恒久不变的大爱,我就能学着去爱这世上的一草一木一沙.
25. 红尘十丈,茫茫的人海,竟还是自己的来处
27. 我迎著朝野站在大海的面前,对自己说:如果时光不能倒流,就让这一切,随风而去吧.
28. 锁上我的记忆,锁上我的忧伤,不再想你,怎么可能再想你,快乐是禁地,生死之后,找不到进去的钥匙 。
31. 有时候我们要对自己残忍一点,不能纵容自己的伤心失望;有时候我们要对自己深爱的人残忍一点,将对他们的爱的记忆搁置
33. 要到你很老我也很老,两个人都走不动也扶不动了,穿上干干净净的衣服,一齐躺在床上,闭上眼睛说:好吧!一齐去吧!
35. 每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。
Do it back to theelves,to ve others a better and re accountable。
Others can copy del,can not copy sufferin can not copy the passion I continue to ve forward。
别人可以拷贝我的模式,不能拷贝我的苦难,不能拷贝我不断往前的 *** 。
No tter how ny resources you he,always think of your opponent a little bit re powerful。
Sllpany’s strate is two words:live,earn ney。
When lookinfor venture investnt,will he to risk investnt risks,you t re likely。
Focus on the opponent is a very iortant part of the strate,but this does not an that you will win。
The web is a word,always afraid of the shoes to barefoot。
Sotis there’s always a chance to die。
Good neral trend is not od,the neral trend is not od for you。
An entrepreneur is the st iortant,is your eatest wealth,is your inteity。
Your project feels like a business,not a unique business。
Do not look for the entrepreneurial era of the star tea do not look for people who he been successful。Entrepreneurship to find the st suitable people,do not look for the best people。
The last century in s to earn ney by coura,in s by the relationship,and now st rely on knowled!
Those who counsel US privately,point out that we are wron are true friends。
Honesty is definitely not a sales,not a hi ety idea,it is real in what it preaches,dribs and drabs of details。
Always believe that people are srter than you。
I don’t want to hire a person who often jus between thepes。
The Internet is affecting human lives ,-meter run for years in the future,you he to run as fast as a rabbit,run like a turtle。
If my Ma to success,so I believe the Chinese % of young people he success。
This world is not because of what you can do,but what you should do。
The re ney you ke,the re you he no de。
Our new employee performance is not good,it doesn’t matter,if you violate our values to deceive customers,well,you don’t say a Word。Don’t you say that I was going to。
Short of passion is not valuable,only lastinpassion is to ke ney。
短暂的 *** 是不值钱的,只有持久的 *** 才是赚钱的。
Is not the other people are too cunnin but they are too eedy,because they will be fooled。
Always put other people’s criticisof your heart,and other people’s praise,et it。
The concept of this era has been unable to sell。
Everyone should learn to serious work,generous man。
Ten years later,if you do not do erce,then you will he no business!
Together we create a team culture,rather than plaining about culture。
Never et your first day’s drea your dreais the eatest thinin the world,is to help others succeed。
All the entrepreneurs should spend re ti to learn how others fail。
Must first understand the rket and custor needs,and then find the relevant technical solutions,so the possibility of success will be eater。
Difference between e-merce and the TV is still very large,because electronic merce is a means,how to use it is a skill,not with the remote control you can he。
The core issue is to develop your products accordinto the rket,the key is to listen to the voice of custors。
We cannot seek for inspiration。The inspiration thate,like Duan Yu’s Six Meridian Swords。
I also love free stuff,but free is always the most expensive。If a girl with you,she did not want to marry you,you’re in big trouble。Take this time to waste,might as well spend a little time to actually grow up。
If,I can only ve you a piece of advice,that is,there is no free lunch in this world,never take a shortcut!
We must first change yourself before others change。
PR is a by-product,because you will be able to adually spread out later,this is the best public relations。
Anyone who fails is the st easy to find excuses,people always find an excuse for failure,not for the success of the direction。
The first thout of a disaster is your custors,second think of your staff,the other is to think of the opponent。
I tell new employees,if they think we are crazy to lee,if you listed,you lee,we he years of doing business。
I had to learn English,I did not expect this later helped me a lot in English。So,do anything as long as you like,as long as you think,you can do it。If you think utilitariani *** is so strong it will definitely get into trouble。
People should he a focus on sothin people on forever challen will be re,every day for you,I’afraid of you。
Sotis a hi deee of education does not necessarily sink down to do thin。
Reer,the relationship is particularly unreliable,do business can not rely on the relationship,do business can not rely on sll srt。
The Inte is one hundred by the four ter relay race,you will be re powerful,can only run a stick,should ve the opportunity to the younpeople。
Our pany no one close to the values on the wall all over the country。Things on the wall is done,done well。
Take your wife as a partner and don’t take her as a wife。
There is no od idea,only down to earth。
Entrepreneurs he passion and innovation is not enou,it needs a od syste the syste the teaand a od profit del。
创业者光有 *** 和创新是不够的,它需要很好的体系、制度、团队以及良好的盈利模式。
Spend re ti with your other eloyees。
Don’t think clearly will be a burden,st take the ti to think。
I heard that the lobster is rich,and I never heard of it。
Chinese panies are from the Shaolin kid to a Tai Chi master。Shaolin kid will play several times,Tai Chi master method,Yin and Yang,Chinese enterprises from the first day you want to he the idea of practicing Tai Chi。
Fearless,afraid of CFO when CEO。
confidence in the political翻译
玛丽?居里因发现元素钋和镭再次获得诺贝尔化学奖,成为历史上第一个两辞获诺贝尔奖的人。下面我为大家带来居里夫人经典英文 名言 ,欢迎大家阅读!
science is the foundation of a healthy body。
miss the boat, the weak strong manufacturing time。
make life into a fantasy, fantasy into reality。
people will want to he patience, especially confidence。
people should he perseverance, otherwise will accomplish nothing。
nothing in life is to be feared。 it is only to be understood。
i am going to put life into scientific dream, then the dream into reality。
is more important than life, more of the motherland is our mother, our land。
we want to turn life into a scientific dream, then the dream into reality。
we poles, when the country was under slery, is not entitled to lee his homeland。
honor is like toys, can play only, cannot keep it forever, otherwise will accomplish nothing。
if a person all the life interest based on that stormy emotional love, that is disointing。
on the way to become famous, not sweat blood flow, their name is not a pen but written in life。
i he no sad for your life simple。 makes me feel sad is one day is too short, and goes by so fast。
exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the united states, its own pleasure is to reward to the person。
居里夫人的英文 名言警句
humans also need dreamer, such people addicted to the development of an enterprise's selfless, so can't own material benefits。
i he never had a lucky, in the future will never depend on luck, my highest principle is: never surrender to any difficulty!
our life seems to be not easy, but that he what relation? we should he the perseverance, especially must he the self-confidence!
i thought people in each period can be interesting and useful life。 we should not wasted life, should be able to say: "i he done what i can do。"
invisible to the human world, is not a utopian mirage, but by science and the glory of the illuminate of actual existence。 noble is the power of science。
21、 体操 和音乐两个方面并重,才能够成为完全的人格。因为体操能锻炼身体,音乐可以陶冶精神。
gymnastics and the music two aspects pay equal attention to, to become a complete personality。 because of the gymnastics can exercise the body, music can edify spirit。
we he to diet, sleep, browse, in love, that is to say, we he to contact the sweetest thing in life, but we must not succumb to these things。
scientists bounden duty that we should continue to struggle, thoroughly reveals the mysteries of nature, master these secrets so as to benefit the human beings in the future。
exploration of the science and research, its itself contains to the united states, its itself give a person hy is to pay; so i got hiness in my job search。
we live a life hily every day, don't wait for the day in the past, to find out their lovely point, don't put all hope to he special purpose in the future。
if you can follow the ideal and life, in line with the spirit of freedom and courage of perseverance, honest, not deceived thoughts, is can into to the beauty to the good situation。
i think we should be in a kind of idealism in search of spiritual power, the idealism made us proud, and enables us to get our hopes and dreams to the noble realm。
humans also need rich ideal。 for such a person speaking, selflessly to develop a career is so charming, so that they can't go to care about their personal material interests。
i think, you must be from a kind of idealism to seek spiritual power。 in the case of not make us proud, this kind of idealism can get our hopes and wishes to rise to a very high level。
i believe that we should be in a kind of idealism to find spiritual strength, this kind of idealism to be able to make us proud, and can we put our hope and our dream very high。
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. (Marie Curie)
A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (J. Barrymore)
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm. (C. M. Schwab)
One thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really hy are those who will he sought and found how to serve. (A. Schweizer)
The important thing in life is to he a great aim, and the determination to attain it. (Goethe)
To live is to function. That is all there is in living. (Holmes)
Man can only be free through mastery of himself. ( S. E. Morison)
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never he a beginning. (J. H. Newman)
Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation. ( C. Nepos)
When the fight begins within himself, a man's worth something. ( R. Browning)
There is only one success --- to be able to spend your life in your own way. (C. Morley )
We must accept finite disointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. ( Martin Luther King, Jr.)
We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves. ( M. L. Becker )
If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heen, its former worthlessness will not be altered. ( AL Jaber )
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ( Strong)
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. ( J. Burroughs )
Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. ( Carlyle )
At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. ( B. Franklin)
The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. ( T. Carlyle )
1. 居里夫人名人经典名言名句
2. 居里夫人经典名言警句
3. 居里夫人名人名言精选
4. 关于努力的名人名言语录
5. 居里夫人的名言警句摘抄大全
6. 经典英文座右铭大全
7. 关于健康的名人名言
confidence in the political翻译:对政治的信心。
1. Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!“生活就是一场宴席,弱者多半会饿死!”—— 欢乐梅姑(Auntie Mame, 1958)
2. I feel the need – the need for speed!“我感觉到一种需要——速度的需要!”—— 壮志凌云(Top Gun, 1986)独行侠和呆头鹅是一对飞行搭档,两人用这句话互相激励。EA著名赛车游戏《极品飞车》的名称正是来自这句台词。
3. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.“及时行乐。把握今天,孩子们。让你们的生活与众不同。”—— 死亡诗社(Dead Poets Society, 1989)基丁在一所学风严苛的学校担任历史教师,他以轻松开明的教学方式受到学生们的热情拥戴。影片中基丁用这句台词激发学生的学习热情。
4. Snap out of it!“振作起来!”—— 月色撩人(Moonstruck, 1987) 洛瑞塔到未婚夫的弟弟(尼古拉斯.凯奇饰)家里试图说服他参加哥哥的婚礼,结果两人之间擦出了火花。当弟弟向洛瑞塔索吻时,洛瑞塔扇了他一个耳光,并告诉他“振作起来!”
5. My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you.“我母亲感谢你们。我父亲感谢你们。我妹妹感谢你们。还有我也感谢你们。”—— 胜利之歌(Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942)乔治.柯汉一家人以到处表演舞台剧为生,被称为“柯汉四人组”,这句台词是他演出完毕后的谢辞。后来他受到总统表彰时也以这句话表示感谢。
6. Nobody puts Baby in a corner.“没有人会把宝贝留在角落里。”—— 辣身舞(Dirty Dancing, 1987)女主角“Baby”一家到某风景区度,她爱上了当地的一位舞蹈教师约翰尼,但遭到父亲的坚决反对,约翰尼也被解雇。影片结尾,闷闷不乐的Baby和家人坐在大厅角落里,约翰尼走到她的座位前,当着她父亲的面,用这句话邀请她跳舞。他们 *** 四射的舞蹈感染了所有观众。显然,这句台词用来邀请女士跳舞再也合适不过了[]。
7. I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!“我会抓住你们的,我的小美人,还有你的小狗!”—— 绿野仙踪(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)本片中邪恶的西方女巫形象塑造得很成功,她用以威胁多萝西的这句台词给看过影片的孩子们留下了深刻的印象。
8. I’m the king of the world!“我是世界之王!”—— 泰坦尼克(Titanic, 19)成功登上泰坦尼克号的杰克兴奋不已,站在船头振臂高呼“我是世界之王!”。后来卡梅隆在领取奥斯卡最佳导演奖的时候也以这句话作为谢辞。
9.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》
10.Love means never hing to say you ' re sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》
11.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料 . 《阿甘正传》
12.It takes a strong man to se himself, and a great man to se another. -- The Shawshank Redemption坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。《肖申克的救赎》
13.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it’s the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作 , 为之战斗 , 为之牺牲的东西 , 因为它是唯一永恒的东西。《乱世佳人》
14.I figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it es at you.我觉得生命是一份礼物 , 我不想浪费它 , 你不会知道下一手牌会是什么 , 要学会接受生活。《泰坦尼克》
15.Everything that has a begin has an end.世间万物有始皆有终。《黑客帝国》
16.Frankly , my dear , I don ' t give a damn. 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。《乱世佳人》
17.You’re throwing away hiness with both hands, and reaching out for something that will never make you hy.你把自己的幸福拱手相让 , 去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。《乱世佳人》
18.The truth is out there.真相在那里。《 X 档案》
19.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》
20.If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to he them live on, is to remember them. Building burn, people die, but real love is forever. -- The Crow如果我们所爱的人从我们身边被偷走,要使他们继续留在我们身边,就要记住他们。建筑会被焚毁,人会死去,而真爱永存。《乌鸦》
21.Anakin, this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone.阿纳金,路就在你脚下,你自己决定。《星球大战-首部曲》
22.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to hen, or who I’m going to meet, where I’m going to wind up.我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的 , 不知会遇见什么人 , 会有什么样的结局。《泰坦尼克号》
23.Tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom!告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!《勇敢的心》
24.I’m only bre when I he to be. Being bre doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. -- The Lion King我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。《狮子王》
25.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. -- Gone with The Wind哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你 . 《乱世佳人》
26.We bee the most familiar strangers.我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。《乱世佳人》
27.I don’t know if we each he a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡 . 《阿甘正传》
28.Death *** iles at us all. All a man can do is *** iles back .死神在向我们每个人微笑,我们所能做的只有回敬微笑。《角斗士》29.You can ’ t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。《狮子王》
30.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。《阿甘正传》
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