



理由:因为是投资公司的广告所以肯定是鼓励人们投资,the value of your nest eggs? 不能直译成篮中鸡蛋的价值,应该是广义上的人们保存的东西的,要使人产生感觉译成珍藏比较好。



“女士们,先生们,大家晚上好”“goodevening ladies and gentleman“


“在这个xxxx的晚上”“in this xxxx night " 美丽——beautiful 特别——spiceal

“我们欢聚一堂”“we all gathered around here “

“首先,我代表xxxx和xxxx向大家致谢” 全体员工—— All employees 老总——our boss



跨越,分秒之内,或许颠覆一个世界——Span, even between the minutes and seconds it perhaps subvert a world


走过往昔,奋斗的汗水刚刚拭去——say goodbey to the past, we just wipe off the sweat of the struggle



This is not only a game, but on behalf of all sorts of ideas to solve the problem : for track, reverse, decomposition, addition and suraction, on the whole, the divergent ... Find the best ideas, stimulate best of inspiration. Smart, regardless of the game or face life can draw to find effective and interesting solution.



"Open the wing of the angel

Embrace each other this world heartily

The sunlight spreads in my on the face

The smiling face is like flower similar bloom

The wing of the angel

Fly there still

Pleasant breeze, kiss my hair silk lightly

White cloud, protect gentle and softly at my or so

The sky is also I but comprehensiveness

The white yarn of the sanctity floats to concuss with the breeze

Face aureate sunlight

Return to the heen of the hiness warm of house

Supple feeling never had

Never had of so that the sweet protect"

"Another lightness, if the childhood years played of jump the house game, the feather sort touches my heart lightly, 霎 that softness, but the sweet permanence, let me faint...Smug...."

"The breath of the nature, little tie, skin unprecedented freedom, touch the sky, feel very soft white cloud at nearby, thus healthy..."

"How much in the last years keep company with, how much let unforgettable sweet time of person, from a little bit each intrenous drop drop of the life remind- as if the XX constructs for you of tender feeling life, always let the sweet halt"


Let the warm flow out to move to let the sweet halt always

The mirth of families' hiness, its joy melt

Each moment shows unintentionally a sweet of inebriate the person naturally"